APEDA boosts exports of ODOP and GI products, transforms FPOs into exporters

 The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) has been actively promoting the export of its One District One Product (ODOP) and Geographical Indication (GI) products to new destinations. In an effort to diversify export sources, APEDA has expanded its reach to non-traditional areas and states. Currently, APEDA scheduled products are being exported to over 203 countries and territories worldwide.
To further enhance these efforts, more than 27 flag-off events were organized in the current fiscal year. APEDA has been instrumental in capacity building for Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), recognizing them as crucial aggregators of farm produce. Over the past five years, APEDA has transformed 119 FPOs/FPCs into exporters, facilitating direct exports.
Through targeted support and guidance, these FPOs have strengthened their capabilities to access global markets, increasing the presence of Indian agricultural products on the international platform. In collaboration with the Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH), APEDA has initiated the development of sea protocols tailored for the export of fresh produce to distant markets. This strategic initiative aims to streamline the export process for fresh fruits, enabling efficient transportation and reducing logistics costs.

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